Help for the program SoftwareNDT Calculator

  1. Overview of the program interface
  2. Exposure time / selection of exposure conditions
  3. Films / Film Factor
  4. Exposure Diagram


Overview of the program interface

Co60, Ir192, Se75 = selection of isotopes.
Exposure Time = Main window for setting the exposure conditions.
Films = settings of the exposure sensitivity of the films.
Exposure chart = View of the exposure curve for the selected isotope.



Exposure time

Curie or GBq = activity of the selected isotope
Film type = selection of films with the respective film factor.
FFA = Film Focus Distance. Distance from the radiation source to the film.
Wall thickness = radiated thickness of the base material.
Wall thickness weld seam = radiated thickness of the weld seam.
Film density = selection of the film density in the base material or in the weld.
Exposure Time = Calculated exposure time for the selected exposure conditions.



Films / Film Factor

Film name = Film name of the selected Film.
Film factor = film factor with respect to the film with a film factor of 1.0. The film with a film factor of 1.0 is the film in the exposure diagram.
Calculate film factor:

Film Factor Alt= Current Film Factor of the selected film.
Target Film Redaction (Program) = Calculated Film Redaction in the Program.
Is film blackening (measured) = measured film blackening on the film.
New Film Factor = Calculated new film factor for the currently selected film. Click "Apply" to apply the film factor.
Add from list


Default values for the films can be used here.



Exposure Digram

The exposure diagram cannot be changed for the isotopes.